We visited Daddy at Fire Camp
We were able to visit Daddy at Fire Camp today. It is located in a gravel pit and snowpark area. In the trees are personal sleeping tents. In center photo are the yurts and long mess tent. In the background is Walton Lake. Luckily for all of us, Daddy hasn't gone further than 1oo miles from home this summer for fires so we have been able to get a fix of each other mid assignment. Alex wore his own little fire shirt that Daddy got for him on his last assignment in Northern California. He fit right in and people were asking to recruit him, but I'm not ready for him to sleep in a tent or dig line with out me. This picture is on the inside of one of the many yurts that are set up at fire camp for people to work in. Each yurt has a specific "task", such as operations, planning, communications, medical, etc. As you can see, out in the middle of now where, they bring in generators and set up electricity...see the computers in the tents?