High Desert Hijinks

Alexander David has joined our small family here on the High Desert. Alex joined us Sunday February 19 and we are most excited at his arrival, as well as a bit anxious for the changes coming our way. You are invited to come and check out our blog whenever you like to see what we are up to, view photos and witness the hijinks about to ensue here in our little home on the High Desert. Thanks!!!

Location: Redmond, OR, United States

Monday, May 08, 2006

Hey...That's my hand!

Alex discovered his right hand on Monday night, last week. It was during one of the midnight diaper changes that Shaun noticed Alex taking a keen interest in his own outstretched arm. For days now, Alex catches glimpses of one of his hands and stops and stares at it, totally fixed with his own bad self. Don't you wish entertainment could still be
(P.S. can you stand how cute his little piggies are!!!?)

Shaun's Little Single Short

What could be better? Okay, maybe a few more stocks of his favorite coffee house...but today Shaun took his litte Single Short to the Bucks for a cup- o joe. Shaun ordered his usual, Double Tall Latte...and junior, well, he was the Single Short. As you can see, I think they both had a good time.