High Desert Hijinks

Alexander David has joined our small family here on the High Desert. Alex joined us Sunday February 19 and we are most excited at his arrival, as well as a bit anxious for the changes coming our way. You are invited to come and check out our blog whenever you like to see what we are up to, view photos and witness the hijinks about to ensue here in our little home on the High Desert. Thanks!!!

Location: Redmond, OR, United States

Monday, February 27, 2006

Alex at Six Days old with his happy parents

This is my favorite picture of our new family. I do wonder if we will give Alex flash burn from all the pictures we take of him. I am so proud of Alex and Julie! He already has me wrapped around his finger. We have already taken him to Starbucks, and I talk to him about getting a job so he can start an IRA.

He's not always a sleeping Babe

Alex has a great set of lungs. "His cry is cute", says Shaun. I say, " Somebody is in love!!" I think it was love at first sight for these two and Shaun loves fussing over Alex He is a natural with Alex, I am trying to learn Shaun's art of changing Alex's diaper without him (Alex, not Shaun) crying but I still seem to get the results you see here in the picture.

Pictures pictures pictures...


Three a.m. Need I explain more?

We get to keep him !?

Alex came home today. After two days in the hospital, Alex being pampered by the nurses and Shaun and I staring at him almost every waking moment, we are all in for a rude awakening. People tell us the "honeymoon" is over when you take your sleeping peaceful babe home. They wake up after their traumatic trip into the world and begin to demand some attention. Okay, not some, all attention. As we have since learned...those people were right. Shaun and I are AMAZED at how a small, innocent little 8 pound boy requires the 24 hour non stop attention of two grown adults.

Isn't it amazing how babies are made to be so irrisistably cute that you would go to the moon for them, even after 2 hours of sleep in a 24 hour period at 3:30 in the morning while cries echo in every cell of your body? Good design on these miniture models, "make 'em cute"...Somebody was thinkin' about species survival when the idea of how to keep us humans around was pondered.

He's Here!!

Drum roll please...
Alexander David was born Sunday February 19, 2006 at 8:45 pm!!!!
Mom and baby are doing great. Dad, on the other hand, I think was taken a bit by suprise at the realities and intensities of labor, however, he is doing just as well as mom and baby after a few deep breaths and a good nap.
Alex (formerly know as Indugoo) has cute pudgy cheeks, bright shiny eyes and a skin that I just can't stop touching. We think we he is expectional, brilliant in fact and shows great apptitude in the sciences. He can also play the violin.