High Desert Hijinks

Alexander David has joined our small family here on the High Desert. Alex joined us Sunday February 19 and we are most excited at his arrival, as well as a bit anxious for the changes coming our way. You are invited to come and check out our blog whenever you like to see what we are up to, view photos and witness the hijinks about to ensue here in our little home on the High Desert. Thanks!!!

Location: Redmond, OR, United States

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Bath Time at Diamond Lake

Bath time for babies at Diamond Lake has a long history. Our family has been coming to the Lake for 47 or 48 years. There have been many babies in those 47 some odd years and they have all had their baths in the Diamond Lake sink. So, whenever a new baby comes on the scene, it is a bit of a production to watch the little naked tyke get his tubbie.